Water damage house
Having a flood in your home can be devastating. Many people inĀ Phoenix, Arizona don’t think of floods as being a problem. That’s because we live in a desert area, and all we are known for is extreme heat and temperatures during the summer time.
The truth of it is we have just as many floods that cause water damage as any other state with the exception of rain and natural disasters. The floods that happen every day in Phoenix are washer hose lines fail, toilet supply lines blow up, water heaters burst, water softeners and lines crack and break, plumbing lines copper or pvc break, toilets overflow, drain lines for homes back up and cause a sewage job, just really any kind of plumbing fixture can cause a flooded house.
Washer Rubber Hose Change Out
Your home is not exempt from these catastrophes. Some of the easiest thing you can do is change your washer hose out these cost less than $20 at Home Depot or your local hardware store. It only takes about 10 minutes to change out and could save your house from water damage in the future. You know what the say a ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. In this potential scenario many pounds of cure, a gallon of water weighs approximately 8 pounds. The average amount of water we extract from a house in a whole house flood is 3 to 4 hundred gallons.
Water Pressure Gauge
Another thing you can do is to check the water pressure to the house this can easily be achieved. Once again just make a trip down to your local hardware store or a Lowes Hardware if it’s close to where you live. You can purchase a water pressure meter they are less than $10. They just screw rite on to your out door water hose bib. The amount of psi that is ideal would be close to 80. If you see psi higher than 100 you may start to encounter problems. That is when water lines and fixtures have a higher probability to crack and burst.
The fix for high water pressure is to install a pressure regulating valve on your main inlet water line. This is a job you may want to hire a professional plumber to take care of because it will require cutting of the lines and either installing mechanical fittings or soldering things back together. You want to make sure this done correct or you may create a leak by your own hand which would be completely counter productive. .